Tidbits From Life Abroad

Posts Tagged ‘Hep A

The High Cost of Health Care

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Growing up, I was never in need of much health care. I’ve never broken a bone, been hospitalized or prescribed medication for a long-term illness. I’m also fortunate to be covered under my father’s company-subsidized health insurance plan. I guess you could say, I’ve never truly experienced the staggering cost of health care in this country until only recently. Today, I got my last vaccination in preparation for my trip to Africa, and I can already tell, I’m going to be eating ramen for the rest of the year. 

south-africa-aids-pop-projection1While South Africa is one of the more developed countries in terms of health care, there are a multitude of diseases – some long eradicated here in the United States – that plague the region. The big one, of course, is HIV/AIDS. South Africa has the highest number of HIV-infected people in the world, with a staggering 5+ million infected people. In a country of 47 million people, it’s an alarming percentage. A cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe and the northern regions of South Africa, Limpopo particularly, has affected thousands of people. A malaria zone extends from Kruger National Park in northern South Africa all the way up to the Sahara Desert, engulfing most of Africa. In Mozambique, yellow fever isn’t just a game ender in the once-popular Oregon Trail computer game – it’s an everyday risk you live with.

(Read on to see just how broke I am!)

Written by ptakahashi

March 7, 2009 at 2:40 am